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    Swarnabha Ghosh



    Swarnabha Ghosh is a Data Scientist at Aryng. He has experience in working with advanced machine learning and deep learning algorithms and is currently the subject matter expert at Aryng. He has a postgraduate degree in Physics and research experience in computational physics. He likes to keep up with the latest advancements in the world of Deep Learning and Machine Learning and incorporate them to create customer centric solutions for business problems.

    For any subscription-based business model, customer subscription and customer retention become the key to success. Machine learning models can help understand the secrets behind both. Machine learning models can help us identify the features that drive up customer subscription, by identifying patterns of customers who have already trailed. In this case study we see the end to end Data Science pathway starting from formation of a business problem to a successful Machine learning project that can solve the business problem – using Aryng’s BADIR framework.


    Machine learning to improve propensity of customer subscription
    Start Date
    Wednesday, 18 Nov. 2020, 11:15 AM | EST
    45 Minutes
    Session Type
    Tech Talk
    Machine Learning