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    Dr. Valeria Sadovykh



    Dr. Valeria is an emerging technology leader, speaker, and scholar, with a penchant for solving societal challenges. Her expertise on the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Intelligent Automation (IA) and digital transformation has shaped the business decisions of various multinational corporations across a range of industries. For over 10 years, she led strategic IT developments involving emerging technology, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, intelligent automation, and mass customization, to successfully deliver business-critical projects such as enhanced workplace efficiencies, operational decision-making, sustainable practices, and optimizing the customer journey.

    As a global citizen with a growth mindset she lived and worked in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and now the US, where as a business professional, she bring a unique combination of technical expertise, commercial and financial acumen, a PhD-grade lens and the ability to lead and inspire multi-disciplinary, global teams and stakeholders.

    As a scholar, she is passionate about researching and educating on socially responsive AI, decision-making and decision intelligence, using AI for good and social innovation. Valeria also enjoy meeting people and hearing new perspectives. 


    RPA and Intelligent Automation: Industry 4.0 and the role of IoT and Machine Learning
    Start Date
    May 20, 2021 | 09:00 AM EST
    75 Minutes
    Session Type